You Have To Break A Sweat To Be Beautiful

You Have To Break A Sweat To Be Beautiful

Last week on the blog I talked about the importance of excersice for glowing skin. I told you that I would share my 15 minute workout with you. As you can see by the date on this copy of a page I tore out of Real Simple magazine in Septmeber of 2010, that's how long I've been doing this workout. It's quick, but it is not easy. However, it's also not impossible or a workout that leaves you sore and exhausted. I feel really energized after this routine.

I do The Routine on my treadmill [exactly as it's laid out in the diagram below] on the days I can't get to the gym or outdoors, but you could modify this routine to do it on a bike or a hilly walk outdoors. I am fully aware of the talk about how we "need" 30 minutes of cardio before our heartrate hits the "zone", but I call bullshit on that school of thought. I am of the belief that interval training is where it's at. Why? Becasue it works for me.

I put on headphones and call up my "workout" set on my iPod and just about the time I am thinking to myself, "Ugh, I wish I was done!", I am done. To keep myself motivated, that set on my iPod are some of my favorite songs and I only let myself listen to them when I am on excersicing. Hey, whatever works, right?

Here's The Routine:


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The Real Simple page made me smile, because I’ve saved many Real Simple pages myself!


You’re welcome Stacia! Glad you liked it. It really is an amazing workout that leaves me with no excuse about how “I just don’t have the time” .

Lisa @C9SC

Interval training really is amazing, I agree. I’ve been doing interval training for several years now, and when I’m on top of my workouts I feel energized, healthy, and I enjoy my workouts. Thank you for sharing your routine!


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